Envelope Generator with Multiple Algorithm Options (MIDI Controllable).


This is an envelope generator with 3 different algorithms. It can be controlled via MIDI or CV/Gate.

It has 2 main control knobs named CV1 and CV2. They control parameters of the envelope algorithm.


There are 3 different algorithms, and you can cycle through them by holding (~1s) the "ALGO SELECT" toggle button. When you release it, an LED will flash to indicate the current algorithm.

Here are the algorithms:

1. Hold Release

  • The envelope first reaches the Maximum Value
  • It then holds for up to 100ms, controlled by CV1
  • Finally, it releases to 0V at a rate controlled by CV2

2. Attack Release

  • The envelope starts at 0V
  • It attacks to the Maximum Value at a rate controlled by CV1
  • It then releases to 0V at a rate controlled by CV2

3. Attack Sustain Release

  • The envelope starts at 0V
  • It attacks to the Maximum Value at a rate controlled by CV1
  • It sustains at the Maximum Value until the GATE is released
  • It then releases to 0V at a rate controlled by CV2


  1. MIDI In
  2. GATE In
  3. CV1
  4. CV2
  5. Debug pin for the microcontroller
  6. Programming pin for the microcontroller


  2. Envelope Output
  3. Envelope Output
  4. Envelope Output
  5. Envelope Output


  • CV1: Controls the CV1 parameter for the selected algorithm. If a CV1 input is provided, this acts as an attenuverter.
  • CV2: Controls the CV2 parameter for the selected algorithm. If a CV2 input is provided, this acts as an attenuverter.
  • ALGO SELECT Toggle Button: Cycles between algorithms.
  • MIDI GATE Toggle Button: Selects the GATE signal source (MIDI or GATE input) for the algorithm.


  • Use any MIDI note to trigger a GATE signal
  • CC 22: Modulates CV1
  • CC 75: Modulates CV2