This is an envelope generator with 3 different algorithms. It can be controlled via MIDI or CV/Gate.
It has 2 main control knobs named CV1 and CV2. They control parameters of the envelope algorithm.
There are 3 different algorithms, and you can cycle through them by holding (~1s) the "ALGO SELECT" toggle button. When you release it, an LED will flash to indicate the current algorithm.
Here are the algorithms:
1. Hold Release
- The envelope first reaches the Maximum Value
- It then holds for up to 100ms, controlled by CV1
- Finally, it releases to 0V at a rate controlled by CV2
2. Attack Release
- The envelope starts at 0V
- It attacks to the Maximum Value at a rate controlled by CV1
- It then releases to 0V at a rate controlled by CV2
3. Attack Sustain Release
- The envelope starts at 0V
- It attacks to the Maximum Value at a rate controlled by CV1
- It sustains at the Maximum Value until the GATE is released
- It then releases to 0V at a rate controlled by CV2
- CV1
- CV2
- Debug pin for the microcontroller
- Programming pin for the microcontroller
- Envelope Output
- Envelope Output
- Envelope Output
- Envelope Output
- CV1: Controls the CV1 parameter for the selected algorithm. If a CV1 input is provided, this acts as an attenuverter.
- CV2: Controls the CV2 parameter for the selected algorithm. If a CV2 input is provided, this acts as an attenuverter.
- ALGO SELECT Toggle Button: Cycles between algorithms.
- MIDI GATE Toggle Button: Selects the GATE signal source (MIDI or GATE input) for the algorithm.
- Use any MIDI note to trigger a GATE signal
- CC 22: Modulates CV1
- CC 75: Modulates CV2