2 Instances of Vactrol Based VCAs.


This module features 2 instances of Vactrol-Based Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA).


  • Due to the use of vactrols, it can smooth out square wave signals (such as GATEs) and can be used as CV.
  • With a frequency response limited to 20Hz, it remains unaffected by noise in the CV signal.
  • It may occasionally exhibit slight audio leakage even when the CV is turned off, resulting in pleasant analog imperfections.


  1. Audio Input for VCA 1
  2. CV Input for VCA 1
  3. Audio Input for VCA 2
  4. CV Input for VCA 2
  5. N/C (Not Connected)


  1. Audio Output for VCA 1
  2. Audio Output for VCA 2
  3. MULT
  4. MULT
  5. MULT


  • CURVE 1: Adjusts VCA1's vactrol input voltage. Turning clockwise creates a softer VCA response, while counterclockwise produces a tighter response.
  • CURVE 2: Adjusts VCA2's vactrol input voltage with the same behavior as CURVE 1.