Analog Low Pass Gate with Filtering Support.


This is an analog low pass gate incorporating Vactrols. It uses 2nd order RC filter as the core of the circuit.


  • Better suited for thick bass sounds.
  • Has no resonance.
  • Frequency can be modulated via CV.
  • A momentary BLAST toggle to make the CUTOFF reach the highest frequency (which sounds great.)

Here are some ways to use this module:

1. As a Low Pass Gate

  • Use a GATE signal as the CV.
  • Make sure the GATE is very short.
  • Use the CUTOFF control to limit the frequency range.

2. As a Low Pass Filter

  • Feed a fixed voltage to the CV. (Probably 3.3V from the +V in the input section)
  • Use the CUTOFF control to set the cutoff frequency.


  1. Audio In
  2. GATE/CV In
  3. +V of 3.3V (This is not an input, but can be feed for CV input to act as a low pass filter.)
  4. N/C (Not Connected)
  5. N/C (Not Connected)


  1. Filter Output
  2. Filter Output
  3. Filter Output
  4. Filter Output
  5. Filter Output


  • CUTOFF: Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
  • BLAST: A momentary toggle to make the cutoff frequency the highest possible.